Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Playing Scrabble without you!

Scrabble is the game of words, wisdom and wonders. We learned the game from papa and mummy when we were growing up may be like at 10-12 years old or more. I don't even recall how and since when we know all the rules, but this is one game we never ever forget. Who can forget the difference between Triple Letter Score and Triple Word score, I mean Triple Word Score is like bumper prize at times for the player who gets it and ofcourse "blank" is one of the most important "non-existing letter" you can have. Its a game of words ofcourse but every step of the game is shadowed by numbers. 

I remember there was one winter holiday about 7-8 years back, when we played Scrabble like an addiction, every night, oh what fun it was. The purity and charisma of this game is just so apt for passing time, everytime. 

The last time I played with papa, I lost. This was about 7-8 months ago. We had a quick game. I think he had both Q and Z, he played very well. Cancer never touched his brain and his brilliance.

Papa, when one of your friend/ Colleague visited us from India and saw scrabble, guess what she said. Oh this game, I know Sir taught us this game, looks like you managed to inculcate love for Scrabble in many.  

Papa, we played again after a long time on thanksgiving day with our kids and ofcourse mother. There were 3 teams only, hopefully you played the 4th one in spirits. We thought it could be a good family tradition and an appropriate time to thank you for teaching us one more thing, that enriches and entertains our lives and that of the next generations. 

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